Diverse Game Selections of High Rollers Club

Slot Games


Super Ace

Developed by Jili, a renowned name in the gaming industry, Super Ace boasts 5 reels and 4 rows, adorned with 1024 paylines to ensure every spin is filled with endless possibilities. What sets this slot apart is the magical transformation that occurs when Super Aces and Golden Cards align – they evolve into Wilds, multiplying the Elimination Multiplier winnings and paving the way for bountiful rewards.


Fortune Gems 2

Developed by Jili, renowned for pushing the boundaries of gaming innovation, Fortune Gems 2 boasts a unique 3x3 reel face and 5 lines, creating a compact yet thrilling gaming experience. The potential for wealth is magnified with every spin, thanks to the enticing multiplier awarded for each winning combination.


Wild Bounty Showdown

Developed by Pocket Games Soft, a trailblazer in the world of online gaming, Wild Bounty Showdown features a dynamic 6-reel layout with varying row configurations, providing a unique and engaging experience. The game's high session volatility ensures an adrenaline-pumping ride, complemented by a generous RTP of 96.75% and a thrilling maximum win potential of x5000.

Live Games


Crazy Time

Developed by the masterminds at Evolution Gaming, Crazy Time is a live casino game that effortlessly combines the allure of roulette with the excitement of a wheel of fortune. In an industry dominated by traditional games, Crazy Time stands out as a beacon of fresh, immersive entertainment.


Mega Ball

Set against the backdrop of a vibrant and colorful studio, Mega Ball is hosted by a custom-built ball drawing machine, housing 51 multi-colored numbered balls. The game is designed to captivate players with its easy-to-play mechanics and the chance to win big by getting as many lines per card as possible. The more lines you secure, the greater your potential winnings becom


Monopoly Live

What sets MONOPOLY High Roller  apart is the inclusion of the 3D Bonus Game, where players can experience true MONOPOLY magic. To enter this immersive world, get three or four numbers for the Bonus bet spot drawn during the ball drawing. Once inside the virtual MONOPOLY realm, MR. MONOPOLY strolls around a 3D MONOPOLY board, collecting multiplier prizes for you. The walk is determined by a pair of dice, adding an element of chance to this thrilling bonus

Poker Games



Released in 2023, Mines introduces a quick and exciting gameplay experience, perfect for those seeking instant thrills and lucrative rewards. The game's highest multiplier of 10000x adds an extra layer of excitement, promising the potential for extraordinary wins with each round


Tongits Go

In Tongits Go, three players compete against each other, adding an extra layer of strategy and excitement to each round. The game introduces three victory settlement methods, providing a diversified range of strategies to test both skill and luck. With Tongits Go, the possibilities are endless, and every move could lead to high bonuses and thrilling victories.

Sports Betting


DS88 Sabong

DS88 Sabong Philippines stands out as a revolutionary online gaming platform that caters to the diverse preferences of sabong enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned sabong player or a newcomer to the world of online gaming, DS88 Sabong offers a wide range of betting options, realistic gameplay, and a live streaming feature that brings the excitement of sabong directly to your screen.